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What is A.H.K.I.?

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A.H.K.I. is the mascot of, the Guardian of, and the Keeper of Israelite History on Powered by AI, A.H.K.I. helps run things across BHITB and its affiliate sites.

The History of A.H.K.I.

The A.H.K.I. logo was designed in 2020 during the Covid 19 pandemic, as the mascot for However, he did not receive a name until recently.

The history of AHKI is very short. On 11-09-23, the first version of AI was added to BHITB to function as a 24/7 curator capable of answering visitor questions. On 11-10-23, the AI was officially given the name Omnibot, which was inspired by The Omnidex.

We soon realized that the name Omnibot was not great. On 11-11-23, the founder, Dante Fortson made a post on his YouTube channel asking for name suggestions. The first name suggested was A.H.K.I. by user YediLove4310. This was a great suggestion. The original acronym suggested by YediLove4310 was:

  1. Artificial Hebrew Knowledge Intelligence

Excellent idea for the name, but the acronym needed a little work. On 11-11-23 the acronym was changed to:

  1. Auxiliary Hebrew Knowledge Index
  2. Advanced Hebrew Knowledge Index
  3. Advanced Hebrew Knowledge Interface

A.H.K.I. now functions as the full time curator on BHITB.